DMIT- Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test


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Know DMIT: Get this point out with Life purpose- Life Coach: Sanjeev Bhutani

Sanjeev Bhutani is the Best Life Purpose Life Coach in India. You can get in Touch with Coach Sanjeev Bhutani at Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889 Email Address:  Website:

What is DMIT?

DMIT is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is a truly scientific study of fingerprint patterns. This will help in understanding a great individual’s potential & personality Type. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology, and Embryology. DMIT Test Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and Medical experts. The DMIT Test has been accepted by the Entire world and also from renowned universities. Medical experts and Approved clinical experience confirmed that fingerprints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential. Traditionally only the IQ test is used to be a measurement tool for the degree of intelligence. Now Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Using in the field of School college and educational institutions, Human resource management, Children’s memory Enhancements Programs, Career Guidance and Career Counseling, etc.

You can get in Touch with Coach Sanjeev Bhutani at Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889 Email Address:  Website:


What is the science behind conducting a DMIT test?

Our fingerprints are connected to our brains. The imprint on every finger contributes to different qualities of a person. When a child uses his left hand to write, he uses the right side of his brain, and when he uses the right hand to write, he uses the left side. Now, the left side of the brain deals with objective attributes like intelligence, logical reasoning, and language power. In contrast, the right side of the brain deals with subjective characteristics like feelings, art, and creative thinking. In a DMIT test, every finger imprint is studied individually, which helps us understand which quality of the child is well-developed and where he requires support and guidance. Hence the DMIT test is considered scientifically advanced and on the mark.

You can get in Touch with Coach Sanjeev Bhutani at Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889 Email Address:  Website:

What are the benefits of doing a DMIT test?

A DMIT test helps parents understand the calibre of the child. Genetic factors also affect fingerprints so that parents can note any genetic inability in a child. DMIT is very helpful in understanding the multiple intelligence, interests and abilities of a child. A career strategy can be designed based on this analysis. If the child takes up a stream of his choice, it is easier for him to excel in that line. Hence DMIT test forms a foundation for analysis and evaluation. Career counselling centres harness it as an effective tool for suggesting appropriate options.

You can get in Touch with Coach Sanjeev Bhutani at Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889 Email Address:  Website:

Who can take this test?

The DMIT test is suitable and beneficial for all age groups. There is no age limit for self-assessment and further development. Every person wants to understand and know about themselves, and enhance their personal, social, and professional lives accordingly. So an adult working in a corporate stream for ages can do a DMIT test and decide whether their career needs a boost, change or satisfaction. It is most beneficial for children. Thus, a toddler, a teenager, and an undergraduate can undergo the test and even their parents reap the benefits.

You can get in Touch with Coach Sanjeev Bhutani at Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889 Email Address:  Website:

Contact Information

You can contact us anytime for details regarding DMIT or any other query related to your Life Coaching.

Coach Name: Sanjeev Bhutani

Contact Number: +91- 98786 18889

Email Address: 



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